How to create Datasource Cloud Pak for Business Automation on Openshift

2 min readJan 20, 2023


What is Datasource?

A data source is a location or device that provides data to a computer program or system. This can include databases, files, web services, and other sources of structured or unstructured data. Data sources are used to store and retrieve information and can be connected to a program or system using an API, connector, or other interfaces.

How to Create?

  • Prepare XML including database information.
<dataSource id="jdbc/ddidb" jndiName="jdbc/ddidb">
<jdbcDriver libraryRef="postgresqlJDBCLib"/>
<properties.postgresql URL="jdbc:postgresql://postgre-ddib.cpdbs-prd.svc.cluster.local:5432/ddidb"

<library id="postgresqlJDBCLib">
<file name="/shared/resources/jdbc/postgresql/postgresql-42.4.1.jar"/>
  • First step login to OC cli.
oc login --token=sha256~sJVEHZ1WlQLY4yDjTB-1vXdEfW49dTTxlxxxu-xxx --server=https://{HOST}:6443
  • Create a secret with the XML file.
 oc create secret generic baw-configuration-custom-xml-secret-name --from-file=sensitiveCustomConfig=./baw-configuration-custom-xml-secret-name
  • Check secret detail.
oc get secret baw-configuration-custom-xml-secret-name -o yaml
  • Login Openshift web console. Go to {Project} > Installed Operators > IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation (CP4BA) > CP4BA deployment click your deployment and YAML section. Include the below parameter in baw_configuration.
custom_xml_secret_name: baw-configuration-custom-xml-secret-name
  • ibm-cp4a-operator will add configuration automatically.



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